The objective is to validate whether Spray and Focus is an improvement upon Spray and Wait under realistic mobility models. The ONE simulator will be used to simulate and evaluate flooding protocols. The scope of this project will be limited to Spraying Methods such as the Spray-and-Wait and Spray-and-Focus. In addition to varying the routing protocol parameter, different movement models will be tested such as the Random Way Point as a baseline to more complex map based movement model such as Random Map Based Movement, Shortest Path Map based movement, and Route Map Based movement. The evaluation of performance metrics will be based on packet delivery ratio, routing overhead, and delay.
In order to provide an early warning of an intrusion in an ocean environment, Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS) nodes are placed on buoys which form a protective perimeter. While modern naval vessels and sea-bases contain early warning detection systems for approaching conventional threats; they are not sufficiently equipped to detect small unconventional surface attacks. The UGS nodes would provide the standoff required to mitigate such an attack. The nodes maintain a wireless connection between each other and transmit detection and tracking information utilizing the synchronous/asynchronous (SAS) protocol. The information is then relayed back to the monitoring station using WiFi.
The objective of this project will be to simulate both the SAS and WiFi protocols in ns-3. The simulation will verify communication with the SAS protocol between nodes; in addition, WiFi will be simulated as a viable protocol between nodes vice as a reach-back. The purpose of the simulation is to determine the maximum effective range that the nodes may be deployed and whether SAS or WiFi is better.
Using The ONE simulator, GAPR as presented in the draft paper assigned for this class will be modeled against the baseline flooding (epidemic) and direct contact protocols. GAPR will be modified using methods discussed in PROPHET v2, PROPHET+, vector routing, and DTFR, to create GAPR+. GAPR, GAPR+, any protocols used to inform the modifications to GAPR, and the baseline protocols will then be simulated again and compared.
Mobility models will include, at a minimum, the Copenhagen model and 2 basic random mobility models discussed in lecture 28 such as random way-point and random walker. Time permitting, a new mobility model based on a military scenario with significant variation in node mobility as typically seen in military operations will be implemented and the simulations from above will be run on the new mobility model. Discussion of the best practice for developing a new model in The ONE simulator will take the place of presenting the completed model if the model is not finished.
Traditionally accepted standards for efficient routing of packets may not serve as the best platform for mobile ad-hoc networks when energy efficiency is paramount. As a result, power availability is a serious limiting factor. Our project aims to analyze and model traditional MANET protocols and energy aware protocols in order to demonstrate the effects power has on the network’s performance.
In its current state, MAST uses no encryption or authentication between components. Furthermore, the EN service is a Java program running with administrator privileges. Thus, a malicious third party could theoretically conduct a number of attacks by exploiting MAST, such as a denial of service, or potentially even arbitrary execution of code. Clearly, this presents a severe vulnerability. This project aims to demonstrate at least one such attack in a simulated environment.
The simulation environment is planned to be as follows. The hypervisor to be used is qemu-kvm running on an Ubuntu 14.04.2 host. The guests will also be running Ubuntu 14.04.2 as the networking and control components of MAST are operating system independent. If the demonstration of an attack is not possible using Linux only, then one or more hosts will be migrated to Windows 7. Additional Ubuntu guest(s) will be added to the virtual network in order to collect network traffic for monitoring and analysis.
My thesis research is intended to evaluate the use of white space spectral technology, software defined radio that analyzes the spectrum to find open channels between 400 MHz and 1 GHz upon which to operate, as a relay for communications in the tactical military environment. Equipment availability limitations will only afford the opportunity to perform testing on a single base station and two client nodes at a maximum. In order to provide a base from which results in the real world can be related to performance of a network composed of multiple hops and a large number of clients I propose simulating the white space networking device and creating a larger network than I have physically available.
The device that I will utilize for my thesis research made by Adaptrum Inc., utilizes proprietary spectrum sensing technology to allocate a working frequency and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access to communicate within the network. Given an understanding of the operation of this device my primary objective will be to simulate a larger network of these devices than I will be able to physically test. My secondary objective will be to simulate the spectrum sensing capabilities of this device in ns3. Focus will initially be placed on the primary objective with the secondary objective potentially being left out of the scope of this simulation.
Day | Time | Group |
Wednesday, 6/10 | 12:00-12:15 | Rawls |
12:15-12:30 | Sanchez | |
Thursday, 6/11 | 09:00-09:15 | Miller, Tuck |
09:15-09:30 | Carnecer | |
09:30-09:45 | Kent | |
09:45-10:00 | Killeen |
Project summaries are Copyright © by their respective authors.