CS4558 students – Please note:

  1. Lecture numbers (L1, L2, etc.) are linked to corresponding lecture notes. Generally, these will appear on this page soon after the lecture. Usually they are in bullet form and highlight things we consider important about the area being discussed.
  2. For all lectures, you MUST try and read the assigned papers and/or textbook section BEFORE lecture. You're likely to get the most out of each lecture if you read the material beforehand.
  3. Pay attention to the due dates for homeworks, labs, and other deadlines. All deadlines are hard.
1Mon 04/03Class overview: logistics, goals, prerequisite assessmentN1Q0 Sol'n
2Tue 04/04Networks review, course outlineN2
3Wed 04/05Sound network measurement[P04]
L1Thu 04/06Packet capture review[Sol'n]Lab 1
4Mon 04/10Data pitfalls, stats reviewN4
5Tue 04/11Distributed systems: CDNsN5[SCHKB06]
6Wed 04/12Distributed systems: CDNs – Cont.N6Lab 1 due
L2Thu 04/13Libpcap programmingLab 2
7Mon 04/17Distributed systems: Malicious CDNsN7[HKS11]
8Tue 04/18Distributed systems: DNS GamesN8[WKP11]
9Wed 04/19Hardware: NetflowN9a, N9b[SRZ10]
L3Thu 04/20Libpcap programming (cont)
10Mon 04/24Hardware: SDNN10[YLZSJM13]
11Tue 04/25Hardware: Fine-grained LatenciesN11[KLSV09]
12Wed 04/26Broadband: View from the gatewayN12[SDFTCP11], Lab 2 due
L4Thu 04/27NetFlow analysisLab 3
13Mon 05/01Outages: Pingin in the RainN13[SS11]
14Tue 05/02Geo: Intro, Constraint-Based GeolocationN14Geolocation Notes[GZCF06], Video Lecture
15Wed 05/03Review for Midterm Exam (Bring your questions!)Study Notes
-Thu 05/04Midterm Exam (Online via Sakai)
16Mon 05/08Geo: Fine-Grained GeolocationN16Paper Slides[WBFKH11], Video Lecture
17Tue 05/09IPv6: AdoptionN17a, N17b[DLHCEA12]
18Wed 05/10IPv6: Security and attacksN18[BCK06], Lab 3 due
L5Thu 05/11SamplingLab 4
19Mon 05/15Topology: Intro, traceroute pitfalls, load-balancingN19[ACOVFLMT06]
20Tue 05/16Topology: YARRPN20[B16]
21Wed 05/17Topology: Alias resolutionN21[K10]
L6Thu 05/18Sampling (cont)
22Mon 05/22Routing: TelescopesN22Video Lecture[DKCPP12]
23Tue 05/23Routing: CensorshipN23[DSACCRP11]
24Wed 05/24Routing: BGP SecurityN24[SXWYW12], Lab 4 due
L7Thu 05/25Network MappingLab 5
-Mon 05/29Memorial Day
25Tue 05/30Routing: Onion RoutingN25[MBGKS08]
26Wed 05/31Transport: Data center traffic (DCTCP)N26a, N26b[AGMPPPSS10]
L8Thu 06/01Network Mapping (cont)
27Mon 06/05Transport: TCP-HICCUPSN27[CBA14]
28Tue 06/06Fingerprinting: Website Fingerprinting[GBKS12]
29Wed 06/07Review for Final Exam (Bring your questions!)Study NotesLab 5 due
L9Thu 06/08No Lab
-Tue 06/13Final Exam (Online via Sakai)
Last updated: Mon Jun 5 15:07:17 2017

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